15th Space Modelling World Championships

Dęblin (Poland) - 7 September 2004

“Avvenire” 18 June 2006                               “La Gazzetta dello Sport” 10 October 2006


“APRILIA” web site                                        “L’Informatore FIAM” December 2006


“” web site                               “La Gazzetta dello Sport” 15 September 2010




.... and what they say about me in the WORLD:

















For more articles give a lock in the WEB!!


They Say About Me

Antonio Mazzaracchio

Stuart Lodge: my first teacher and main "GUILTY" of everything!!

The congratulations of the President of the Italian Republic

ANTONIO MAZZARACCHIO Space Modelling World Champion

“ second place is just the first loser ”

Seven TimesWorld Champion

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